Bolivia – Uyuni Tour Experience

We paid around 250€ per person for a 3 day trip. We only expected to see the empty white Uyuni lake but during the trip you get to see so much more and it’s well worth your buck. Hotels, food, transportation and a driver/tour guide is all included. The downside is that the group always has to consist of 6 people and sometimes you can’t choose who you are traveling with. I suggest you try to put together your own 6 people beforehand if you have the chance.
Day 1
The first stop of our trip was the train wreck in the middle of the desert. The tour guide said at some point in time the train wagons were replaced with new ones and the government didn’t have the money to get rid of the old trains, so they just left them in the middle of the desert. Yes, it was the most touristy part of the trip and unfortunately it was also quite dirty and full of dumped plastic. Obviously there’s no budget to clean up the place and being a huge attraction for tourists and locals, plastic waste has found its home here. It was really sad to see. A lot of jeeps were parked beside the attraction and so many took selfies and pictures of themselves in old train wrecks. This was not really my favourite but after a 10 minute walk we found a rather deserted area with broken train wagons in the middle of the desert.
Day 2
Soon we arrived at our second sleeping place. It was a small establishment in the middle of the desert that had several rooms and a common chill area. Our room was a large room with 6 beds. It was still early and the sun was still up so for the sunset, my friend and I wanted to climb up a hill and chase the sun. The hike turned out to be a full hour and on the way we found a dog who seemed to be very excited and lead the way. The dog showed us the best way up as there was no trail at all. When we arrived at the summit you could see the whole area from a birdeye view. That was really incredible! We went back down the mountain, tried to take some night photos of the stars (we were in the middle of nowhere in the mountains afterall) and by the time we arrived in our room, the other were sleeping already. I was so exhausted and got to sleep really well.
Day 3
All in all I thought the tour was so well worth the 250€. Not only did we get to see the incredible landscape of Bolivia, but we also got accomodation, food, transportation and a guide for 3 entire days. The food was good too considering the circumstances we were in (Salt Lake without water, trash management and organisation of the food arriving at the salt hotel on time)
- sunglasses
- chap stick
- hat/cap
- small money for snacks, souvenirs, water
- good shoes
- sun screen
- camera, drone and all your favourite toys
- ND filters (sunglasses for the camera)